1. Buy new & used equipment
Pick and choose the items you want to buy brand new and the ones you’re happy to get second hand. You may decide to save a few bucks and get a set of used dumbbells off Trademe but get a brand new exercise mat.
2. Home gym essentials
Barbell power rack
Skipping rope
Medicine ball
Exercise mat
3. Right space
Whether you decide to dedicate an entire room to your gym or just a section of it, make sure you have enough space to swing a kettlebell!
4. Make it a home gym you’d actually want to use
Once you’ve got all the equipment, you will need to create the environment. Here are a few must haves to make your mates with gym memberships jealous:
Flat screen TV – get fit & catch up on Netflix at the same time!
Sound system – no more mucking around with annoying earbuds!
Mirrors – go on, you know you want them.
Hire a water cooler – nothing beats chilled filtered water, on tap!